May 1, 2012Wicked Tuna: Waitin' For a Bite Man 1: Come on. We got fish under the bill right now. I don’t get it. I don’t get it. Just don’t get it. […]
May 1, 2012Wicked Tuna: Sustainability: Bluefin Bait Woman 1: Oh no. Woman 2: Greg is coming. Man 1: What has been most detrimental to this fishery was herring draggers. They’re called […]
May 1, 2012Wicked Tuna: Bluefin Experts: Barton SeaverMan: The bluefin tuna is truly the most majestic creatures to ever grace our planet, let alone swim in our seas. It travels thousands of miles […]
May 1, 2012Wicked Tuna: Bluefin Experts: Richard RuaisThe bluefin tuna travel. Their migration route is for two reasons. One is to eat and the other one is to have babies, to spawn. We […]
May 1, 2012Wicked Tuna: Bluefin Experts: Molly LutcavageThe bluefin is the rock star of the sea, let’s face it. It does everything better. It’s one of the most beautiful animals out there. It’s […]
September 26, 2013Scottish Crew Scores Big!Congratulations to Angus Campbell and crew of the Orca III, whom which landed a 515lb Giant Bluefin Tuna off Scottish coast! This catch proves the viability […]
May 7, 20143 Tuna Fishing Tips for BeginnersGo from "just fishing" to tuna fishing with three useful tips on reeling in your first tuna catch.