Hunting Giants
I caught my own world-record, 927-pound giant bluefin right ‘out front’ here in 1940 – on a hickory rod that was later used by Ted Williams for his 400-pounder. It took me more than three hours because the drag – and my line – weren’t strong enough back then . . . [read complete article]
 Ten Tactics Top Skippers Use to Catch Once-in-a-Lifetime Giant Bluefin By Jim Chambers Originally published in Sport Fishing Magazine, August 2000
A Giant Leap
“The sun was still far beneathe the horizon, and though the ocean was a mere shadow in the dark, we were frequently reminded of it¹s mysterious presence each time the bow of the Castafari suddenly shifted. My mate CJ and I quietly sipped our frost bitten coffees, mesmorized by the unbroken hum of the twin Cattapillar diesel¹s ³one long song². I tried desperately not to think about time, something that is all one really has when running 60 miles offshore in the dark. Giant bluefin tuna like an early breakfast, and like always, we wanted to be there in time to help serve up the buffet.. . . [read complete article]
By Capt. Damon Sacco Originally published in BIG GAME JOURNAL MAY 2002
Bluefin Tuna Profile
The bluefin tuna, one of the largest species of bony fish in the world, is renowned for its size, speed and beauty in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The known range of the Atlantic bluefin tuna is from Newfoundland to Brazil in the western Atlantic and Norway to . . . [read complete article]
Magnificent Giants
Jack Cashman introduced me to sportfishing for giants two years ago. I’d been an avid saltwater fisherman for years and caught tarpon up to 170 pounds in Florida, but I never had the opportunity to fish for anything that came close to the size and power of these brutes. Since Jack has probably fought more large giants from 800 to 1,100 pounds . . . [read complete article]
A Is the western Atlantic bluefin tuna population on the brink of extinction? By Jim Chambers Reprinted from the Spring 1999 special Bluefin Tuna issue of the Big Game Fishing Journal (Vol 12, No. 2) Will they be lost forever?
- Tag a Giant Program
- Electronic tagging and population structure of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Link to PDF
- 2001 Migratory movements, depth preferences, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna. Science 293: 1310-1314. Link to PDF
- Movement of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) as determined by satellite tagging experiments initiated off New England Link to PDF