We salute the land of the Red, White and Blue
July 4, 2024
We salute the land of the Red, White and Blue
July 4, 2024

🎣 Happy Labor Day from Fisherman’s Outfitter! 🐟

We hope you all get to spend some (or most) of this long weekend doing what you love best —🐟 Be sure to stop by the shop if you need some extra gear or a quick respool, we’ve got you covered. SUMMER IS NOT OVER YET! Visit our shop at 18 Washington St in Gloucester, MA — call us @ 978-281-0858 ~ 1-800-500-TUNA — order online 24/7 at https://bit.ly/2MshKnl!

Tight lines and enjoy the holiday! 🎉
(Open Labor Day 8am-1pm)


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